Amsoil diesel fuel additives effectively preserve the power, performance and efficiency of diesel vehicles.
Injector Clean (ADF)
Diesel Injector Clean removes performance-robbing deposits from diesel fuel injectors to help restore horsepower and improve fuel economy. It is formulated for all types of diesel engines, including high-pressure common-rail designs.
- Cleans dirty injectors
- Lubricates pumps and injectors to reduce wear
- Extends fuel filter life • Improves fuel economy up to 8%
- Restores power and torque
- Reduces smoke and emissions
- Helps prolong time between EGR and DPF regenerations
- Combats fuel-system corrosion
- Reduces downtime and maintenance costs
- Safe for use in all diesel fuels, including biodiesel
Cold Flow (ADD)
Diesel Cold Flow combats diesel fuel gelling by improving diesel cold-flow ability. It is formulated with an advanced deicer to enhance fuel flow and help prevent fuel filter-plugging in cold temperatures.
- Lowers cold filter-plugging point (CFPP) by up to 40°F (22°C)
- Enhances engine reliability in cold temperatures
- Fights gelling in cold weather • Improves low-temperature startability
- Prevents wax settling during storage
- Inhibits fuel filter icing
- Safe for use in all diesel fuels, including biodiesel
- Reduces downtime and maintenance costs
Cetane Boost (ACB)
Diesel Cetane Boost raises the cetane number of diesel fuel up to eight points for maximum horsepower, increased fuel economy and easier starts in all diesel engines.
- Increases cetane up to 8 points
- Delivers maximum horsepower
- Increases fuel economy
- Improves startability
- Reduces smoke and emissions
- Safe for use in all diesel fuels
- Alcohol free
Injector Clean + Cetane Boost (ADS)
Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost additive combines the superior detergency and improved lubricity of Diesel Injector Clean and the increased horsepower and cetane of Diesel Cetane Boost in one convenient package, providing the full potency and benefits of both products at an affordable price.
- Cleans dirty injectors
- Lubricates pumps and injectors to reduce wear
- Increases cetane up to 8 points
- Extends fuel-filter life
- Improves fuel economy up to 8%
- Combats fuel-system corrosion
- Delivers maximum horsepower
- Safe for use in all diesel fuels, including biodiesel
All-In-One (ADB)
Diesel All-In-One combines the superior detergency and improved lubricity of Diesel Injector Clean, the excellent cold-flow and anti-gelling properties of Diesel Cold Flow and the increased horsepower and cetane of Diesel Cetane Boost in one convenient package, providing the full potency and benefits of all three products at an affordable price.
- Cleans dirty injectors
- Lubricates pumps and injectors to reduce wear
- Extends fuel-filter life
- Improves fuel economy up to 8%
- Combats fuel-system corrosion
- Prevents wax settling during storage
- Lowers cold filter-plugging point (CFPP) by up to 40°F (22°C)
- Delivers maximum horsepower
- Increases cetane up to 4 points
- Safe for use in all diesel fuels, including biodiesel
Diesel Recovery (DRC)
esel Recovery is an emergency diesel fuel treatment that dissolves the wax crystals that form when diesel fuel has surpassed its cloud point. It liquefies gelled diesel fuel and thaws frozen fuel filters, avoiding costly towing charges and getting diesel vehicles back on the road. For preventative maintenance, use diesel cold flow or diesel all-in-one.
- Quickly dissolves gelled fuel
- Thaws frozen fuel filters
- Performs well in ULSD, off-road & biodiesel
- Alcohol free
- Non-corrosive