The Importance of Changing Your Oil Filter

Most automobiles require oil changes every 3,000 to 5,000 miles to guarantee that the engine’s moving components are adequately lubricated. Failure to replace your car’s oil can lead to a variety of issues, including complete engine failure. But what many people don’t realize is that when you change your oil, you should also change your oil filter.

What is the Oil Filter and How Does it Work?

The oil filter is comprised of a metal can on the exterior with a sealing gasket that allows it to be securely held against the engine’s mating surface. The gasket is held in place by the can’s base plate, which is perforated with holes just inside the gasket. The oil filter component on the engine block is threaded into a central hole. The filter material, which is usually synthetic fiber, is found within the container. The oil pump in the engine transports the oil directly to the filter, where it enters through holes in the base plate’s perimeter. The unclean oil is forced (under pressure) through the filter medium and returned to the engine through the center hole.

Why Change the Oil Filter?

Because it retains lots of impurities including metal particles, filth, and carbon dust, your engine oil filter will progressively become clogged over time. Because a clogged engine oil filter reduces the quantity of clean oil going through it, you’ll need to change it and replenish the oil more frequently. Routine oil filter replacement improves the life of the engine and keeps the motor oil clean.

Signs That Your Oil Filter is Due For Replacement

If you are conscientious and change your oil filter every time you get new oil, you won’t have any of the following signs. But if you do notice these signs, it’s definitely time for an oil filter replacement.

  • Noisy, “rough” sounding engine
  • Sputtering or choking sound from engine
  • Metallic sounds coming from the engine
  • Oil pressure warning light comes on
  • Service engine warning light comes on
  • Black, sooty exhaust
  • Smells of burning oil emanating from the engine

Always pay attention to these signs and get your oil filter and oil changed. Never ignore them, because the damage can be severe.

Dangers of Not Changing the Oil Filter

The oil filter plays a part in keeping motor oil flowing through while catching pollutants and metal particles that would otherwise circulate through the engine. Without it, dust, dirt, debris, and other small undesired pieces, such as metal particles, will be able to freely enter the engine assembly, causing blockages and other debris to cause significant damage to the engine. Your car will not move if the damage stops engine parts from moving. Even before that worst-case scenario, contaminants will negatively affect your vehicle’s oil consumption efficiency. You can compare it to becoming dehydrated due to not drinking enough water. If you fail to change your oil filter on a regular basis, your engine will become oil deficient.

The single best thing you can do for your vehicle is to pay attention to the oil and oil filter. Whenever you get an oil change with synthetic oil, be sure to get the oil filter replaced. Doing so will greatly extend the life of your vehicle.

Get the Right Products for Your Vehicle

Amsoil’s line of synthetic lubrication products represents the finest level of protection you can buy for your motorized equipment. If you need help finding the right product for you, contact authorized Amsoil dealer Dave Consalvo today.